Liability Driven
LDI Connect is a special purpose investment management company, wholly owned by the MGD Group.

Established in 2011, LDI Connect Asset Management Pty Ltd (LDI Connect) is a special purpose investment management company, wholly owned by the MGD Group.

LDI Connect operates under MGD Capital Advisors’ Australian financial services licence (AFSL 508677). This enables us to develop and implement tailored strategies for our clients without the constraints and potential conflicts that ownership by or alignment with a large institution might bring.

LDI Connect’s primary purpose is to provide best of breed portfolio solutions for investors. We do this through prudent selection and appropriate use of specialist, actively managed investment funds. Our portfolio solutions combine asset allocation, manager selection, and risk management services that aim to deliver the Fund’s objectives.

The LDI Connect portfolios offer low maintenance, core exposures for investors looking to outsource the difficult task of creating well diversified portfolios across both mainstream and alternative investments, and access to what we believe are some of the best investment managers available. Our portfolios may also assist investors with smaller amounts of capital who are seeking one all-encompassing and well diversified portfolio solution.